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SSAA NSW Branch Briefings

Scott Goudie

SSAA NSW held branch briefings via Zoom on Tuesday 25 October attended by SSAA SRB President and Secretary.

Below is a summary of the information communicated at the meeting:


  • NSW membership now exceeds 62,000 and has increased by 10% since January 2019

  • There will be a member survey coming to all in 2023 to provide feedback about SSAA NSW services etc

  • Reminder that mandatory reporting requirements are back on from April 2023.

Membership based Legislative Work

  • SSAA NSW has confirmed that the 12kg of powder storage limitations is per licenced shooter, and not per household. So if there are two shooters in your household, you can store 24kg etc.

Communications Improvements

  • SSAA NSW is restructuring/retasking staff to improve communications and admin services.

  • Auto renewal of SSAA membership is coming as an option, you will be able to opt in.

  • Try Shooting Program is being successfully promoted around the state, with the first two sessions of 20 spots in northern NSW being booked out within days.

Discipline Issues

  • SSAA NSW has assisted with mediation of issues at 3 branches

  • Reminder that bullying is not tolerated.

New SSAA NSW Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

  • Two new staff

  • One of those staff can write nationally accredited ASQA training courses

Firearms Registry news

  • New range inspector, now a total to two inspectors.

  • Both are net yet formerly trained.

  • Registry advise that they will review on a case by case basis, attendance shortfalls that result from ammunition and reloading supply issues. Meaning if you can't meet your mandatory attendances, and demonstrate the cause being the above, then they will take that into consideration.

  • SSAA NSW has representation on the Firearms Registry Consultative Council (FRCC), Items being discussed for change are:

    • Registry can now recognise matches and courses of fire in NSW based on range conditions. This means that a match doesn't have to have a world body or competition (ie olympic, commonwealth games, IPSC World Shoot etc) to be able to be added to range approval.

    • SSAA NSW is pushing for mandatory attendances to be recognised based on individual shooter and not on the categories they hold. (ie hunter and target would no longer require 2 and 4 attendances, instead the shooter would need to attend 2 per year). This will require legislation change to achieve.

    • Also pushing to make the attendance count for rifle be 2.

Other News

  • Shot Expo is not happening in 2023 due to supply chain issues. It will likely return in 2024 if stock supplies improve.

  • New process guidelines coming in 2023 to assist with Safe Shooting Course record keeping. Reminder that instructors are required to keep all paperwork.

  • Branches should get funding grants prepared so that they can be submitted when grant opportunities present. Some new grants are being offered by government with very narrow submission windows.

See you at the working bee 29 October


SSAA Snowy River Branch Inc



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